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Motor Fuel Tax Submission


Grain Industry Software

Red Wing Business Systems

Products: Motor Fuel Tax Software: Arkansas (AR)

The Arkansas Motor Fuel Tax Software is an application created by ABJ Associates Inc. to assist in the electronic submission of legally required fuel tax information to the state of Arkansas.

Main Menu

Menu buttons enable the user to select where data input is required. Filer, Seller and Customer files provide retention of information used repeatedly from month to month. All schedules currently used for electronic filing of Arkansas motor fuel taxes are accommodated. Month End Processing provides the user with the opportunity to preview schedules on screen before producing the required electronic file.

Arkansas Main Menu

Entry Form: Receipts

Receipt and Disbursements entry screens are used to collect the detailed information of each transaction while utilizing master file information increasing data entry speed and accuracy.

Arkansas Receipts Entry Form

Entry Form: Disbursements

Arkansas Sales Tax Entry Form


Schedule reports comply with Arkansas filing format requirements, sorting data to the appropriate schedules and pages.

Arkansas Report

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Voice: 217-355-0524 | info@abj-inc.com